Do you consider yourself a daring person? Are you one to take chances? Would you bungi jump with no cord? Pet a great white shark with no cage? Hunt grizzly bears with no weapon? Fight Mike Tyson outside the ring? Drive across a busy intersection with a blindfold on? Jump from an airplane with no parachute?
So, you're not as daring as you thought after all. Or are you?
Are you planning on leaving Earth without knowing Christ?
Even if you don't believe that there is an afterlife, there is. You can't see it, but it is real. Try not believing in gravity (which you can't see) and jump from an airplane. You will find that gravity is very real. Do you believe in neutrons, protons, and electrons? You can't see them. It doesn't matter if you believe in them or not, they're real. Just because you didn't see the Battle of the Alamo doesn't mean it's not real. You believe in the Battle of the Alamo because we have historic accounts. Do you believe constantly changing reports, like Science books and History texts, before you believe an ancient nonchanging book like the Bible?
Many believe in a concept of heaven from the Bible and yet don't believe what the Bible says about Hell and what kind of people go there! You can't make something "unreal"; just because you don't believe in it. The truth is that all liars, fornicators, idolaters, homosexuals, unbelievers, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, those who covet, and those who have made a "god"; to suit their own beliefs (idolatry) will not enter the kingdom of God.
You see, just as there are physical laws you can't see such as gravity and inertia, there are also spiritual laws you can't see which are just as real.
The gospel is a simple truth: All men are born with a sinful nature and we need a savior to enable us to reconcile with a Holy God. No matter hard we try, without faith in Christ, it is impossible to please Him. You can't pay the price for your sin. Jesus Christ paid your price in full and you must receive the gift of salvation by faith. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, rose and is coming again. Ask God in prayer to show you things you are doing that do not please him, turn from doing them and obey His word (the Bible).
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