You're a Movie Star!

It’s really true! You will star in an account of your life! The debut will be a star studded event unlike anything Hollywood has ever dreamed of. All the “great” actors, directors, screenwriters, and critics will be there. Spielberg, Scorsesi, Redford, Polanski, Stone, Copolla, Howard, Siskel, Ebert and Jesus just to name a few. What’s that? Who’s Jesus? He’s the greatest movie critic that ever lived. He’s been the critic of every movie that has ever been conceived. In fact, He will critique your movie when it’s finished.

Did you know all your actions are being recorded? That’s right. The Bible says that at the end of time when you stand before God, all your works will be brought before all of heaven (Matt. 10:26). Billions will stand before the great judge and give account of their lives (Rm. 14:12) from a book where all your deeds are recorded (Rev 20:12). Every idle word you speak will have to be accounted for ( Matt. 12:36). If you have not been "born again" and have ever broken God's law (be honest with yourself you know that you have), Jesus will hold you accountable and you won’t be able to pay the price! Only He could pay such a debt. Receive Him. Receive forgiveness by receiving Christ as your Savior. Turn from your sinful ways and trust God to renew your mind, your life and your relationship with Him.

Lights, Camera, Action!!

The most critical shot of your movie could be right now! Will you receive Christ as your savior or will you shrug off this message and believe a concept of God that you have conceived to fit your conscience? Jesus says "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Jesus stands ready to save you and change your life. Please don't wait, there is no guarantee there will be another chance. Just think of how long it has been since you last pondered your relationship with Christ. What if it's that long until you consider it again? You don't know that you have that long. Please give your life to Christ, it will be the greatest thing you have or will ever do. Besides that, your movie review will get a Thumbs up!*Matt 25:21 (from the only critic that matters).

Read and obey the Bible and pray that you will stand on the day of Judgment. (Luke 21:34-36).
