Keanu Gallery
Note: these are only pictures that I like, there are a lot more out there but I'm not going to take the time to put up pics of Ke that I don't think do him credit.
Also, put your mouse over the pictures for a comment.
Now newly updated! Some more pics, not much more to come. Too bad for you. :)

If you look at this a long time, sometimes his lips go into a smile- it's so cute! (or else I'm just hallucinating)

look into those eyes let me out!!>

shiny face playing pool I love his hair!

cow-boy baby! what happened to the other eye?

read this!

I have this one up on my wall.

with the late Mr. River Phoenix

got this one from someone. Thank you, whoever you are... err....

I have a lot more pics but I'm too lazy to put them up right now, so just hold on!
